Sunday Mass Giving

Your support of our Sunday Mass Giving collection makes a significant difference in allowing us to continue our mission. Each week, your generous donations support not only the upkeep of our beautiful church but also numerous community outreach programs, sacramental preparations, and spiritual growth activities. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps to keep the church's lights on, make necessary repairs, and ensure that we can continue to provide a comforting place of worship for everyone.

The act of giving is a spiritual practice that reflects our gratitude for the blessings we have received. It's a tangible way we can show our faith and support our church community. We are all stewards of this church, and its vitality relies on each of us. If every member of our congregation contributes according to their means, we can ensure a robust future for our church. Let's make our Sunday Mass Giving collection a testament to our unity and shared commitment to sustain our spiritual home. We thank you for your generosity and continuing support.